ChitoPlant®. Wasserlösliches Chitosan als Basisstoff bei Fibl europaweit

ChitoPlant® ist ein wasserlösliches Chitosan. Seit 8. 2016 ist unser Chitosan als Basisstoff bei Fibl, als Grundstoff zugelassen. ChitoPlant® ist ein weißes Pulver, das als Giess-oder Spritzwasser angesetzt wird.
Die positiven Einflüsse von Chitosan auf die Physiologie der Pflanze sind durch zahlreiche unabhängige Studien bestens dokumentiert.
Da Chitin und die meisten handelsüblichen Chitosane in Wasser unlöslich sind, entzogen sie sich der praktischen Anwendung in Landwirtschaft und Gartenbau. Bei Helmuth Focken Biotechnik e.K.  steht mit ChitoPlant® ein wasserlösliches  Chitosan zur Verfügung, Chitosan als Basisstoff bei Fibl registriert, ermöglicht, die wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse gezielt und ökonomisch sinnvoll in die landwirtschaftliche Praxis umzusetzen.

Wasserlösliches Chitosan, Chitosan als Basisstoff bei Fibl wirkt als exogener Elicitor.
Es löst Abwehrmechanismen gegen Krankheitserreger aus.
Chitosan wirkt wie eine Impfung.
Bei Pflanzen erhöht es die Resistenz gegen Krankheitserreger.
Als Derivat des Chitins, welches als zweithäufigstes Polysaccharid dieses Planeten nicht nur im Außenskelett von Krustentieren vorkommt, sondern auch essentieller Bestandteil der Zellwände potentiell pathogener Pilze ist, wird Chitosan von den Pflanzenzellen als Gefahrensignal erkannt, und löst wie bei einer Impfung verschiedene Abwehrmechanismen der Pflanze aus, wodurch sich die Resistenz der Pflanze gegenüber Infektionen erhöht und somit der Substanzverlust durch parasitierende Schadorganismen, wie z.B. pathogene Pilze, verringert wird.

ChitoPlant®, wasserlösliches Chitosan, Chitosan als Basisstoff bei Fibl im Ackerbau angewandt, erhöht den jährlichen Ernteertrag nachweislich um bis zu 15 % und mehr.
Wasserlösliches Chitosan verbessert die Wurzelbildung und beschleunigt das Auflaufen, fördert die Mykorrhiza und die Entwicklung der Pflanze.
Wird wasserlösliches Chitosan als Spritzung verwendet, erhöht es die Resistenz der Pflanze gegenüber Infektionen.
graphische Darstellung hier

Anwendung des Chitosan als Basisstoff bei Fibl in der Landwirtschaft:
Das wasserlösliche Chitosan ist für alle Pflanzen, Saatgut und Böden geeignet.
Das ChitoPlant® kann von der Saatgutbehandlung bis zur Ernte eingesetzt werden.
Pulver in etwas Wasser geben (nicht umgekehrt), verrühren, kurz stehen lassen.
Nach Auflösung mit der angegeben Gesamtwassermenge die Arbeitslösung herstellen.
Applikationen sind am Ende des Dokumentes aufgeführt
ChitoPlant® ist sehr ergiebig.
0,5 bis 1 Gramm pro Liter
Bei einer Spritzung
z.B 400 l/h sind das 200 Gramm ChitoPlant®/h

Häufig gestellte Fragen:
Kann der Grundstoff ChitoPlant® mit anderen PSM in einer Spritze ausgebracht werden?
Empfehlungen können dazu nicht ausgesprochen werden. Es muss im Einzelfall probiert werden.

Wann kann das ChitoPlant®angewandt werden?
Das ChitoPlant® kann von der Saatgutbehandlung bis zur Ernte eingesetzt werden.

Saatgut mit ChitoPlant® gebeizt:
Für Beizversuche durchgeführt durch Chipro wurden bislang 2 g/l verwendet, die Aufwandmenge betrug 2 Liter (4 g ChitoPlant) pro 100 kg Saatgut.
Die Ergebnisse der Grafik zeigen, daß ChitoPlant bezüglich des Ertrags bei Weizen  mit konventionellen Beizmitteln vergleichbar ist. ChitoPlant® fördert die Keimung und das Wachstum der Mykorrhiza-Pilze

Als Beizmittel angewandt fördert ChitoPlant® das Wachstum der Keimlinge überproportional und gewährleistet so eine frühzeitige Versorgung der Pflanze und damit ein früheres und sicheres Auflaufen.
Im frühen Entwicklungsstadium der Pflanze verbessert ChitoPlant® die Wurzelbildung und beschleunigt das Auflaufen, fördert die Mykorrhiza und die Entwicklung der Pflanze
ChitoPlant® erhöht die Resistenz der Pflanze gegenüber Infektionen

Spritzung mit wasserlöslichem Chitosan als Prophylaxe oder bei  Befall, um einzudämmen, oder zu verhindern:
 Chitosan wird als sog. exogener Elicitor von den Pflanzenzellen als Gefahrensignal erkannt, und löst verschiedene Abwehrmechanismen der Pflanze aus, wodurch sich die Resistenz der Pflanze gegenüber Infektionen erhöht und somit der Substanzverlust durch parasitierende Schadorganismen, wie z.B. pathogene Pilze, verringert wird.

Was ist bei  der Anwendung von ChitoPlant® als Spritzmittel zu beacheten?
0,5 g bis 1 g/l. Wichtig ist die gleichmäßige Verteilung. Die Pflanze muss gut benetzt sein.

Wie schnell ist das ChitoPlant® regenfest?

Tests gibt es keinen. Nach meiner Schätzung sollte das Produkt 2-4 h auf der Pflanze sein, entfaltet dann die Wirkung als Elicitor. Diese Wirkung setzt sich sicher auch nach Regen fort. Die direkte Oberflächenwirkung ist sicher nach Regen verbraucht.

Microfibre finger toothbrush – brilliant white teeth and dead microbes

Microfibre finger toothbrush – brilliant white teeth and dead microbes

After cleaning with the textile Chitodent® microfibre finger toothbrush, your teeth and gums are plaque-free. Your teeth are clean and sparkling.

Microfibres are ideal for the Chitodent® finger toothbrush due to their incredible density. Microfibres are so fine that many of them can be packed tightly together. The cross-section of microfibres provides a far larger contact surface than any other fibre.
Capacity is improved by the high number of air chambers and very small pores.
Details of microfibres in the finger toothbrush:
The standard for a microfibre is the finest natural thread, silk thread, which is just 1 dtex.
This means that 1 gram of thread is 10,000 metres long.
Microfibres are usually made of polyester, polyamide and polyacrylic, i.e. they are chemical fibres. They are between 0.2 and about 1.0 dtex thick. Microfibres can be twice as fine as silk, three times finer than cotton, about six times finer than wool, and sixty times finer than a single human hair.
About three kilograms of such a thread would be enough to wrap around the equator. The contact surface area between the microfibre finger toothbrush and the teeth is huge; it has outstanding cleaning performance, removing plaque and build-up.


The silver in Trevira® bioactive fibre guarantees antibacterial activity. The antibacterial effect is not reduced by frequent washing or use.


The Chitodent® finger toothbrush contains a fibre that kills microbes and bacteria. 

Besides the microfibres, the microfibre finger toothbrush consists of an antibacterial high-tech functional yarn with silver ions, the bioactive fibre by Trevira®.
Antimicrobial silver ions can now be added and permanently attached to the fibre. The antibacterial silver is firmly anchored in the fibre. Chemical substances in the environment which can affect the skin flora migrate to fibres which have been treated with nanotechnology (with silver) and post-treated (coated or flocked).
Die Chitodent® Mikrofaserfingerzahnbürste aus diesem Trevira ® Hightech-funktionsgarn, in dem Silberionen in keramische Träger eingebracht dauerhafte feste Verbindung in der Faser gewährleisten, unterscheiden sich damit von zahlreichen antimikrobiell, wirksamen, silberhaltigen Textilprodukten, die am Markt sind, die beim Benetzen,

How the high-tech functional yarn with integrated silver ions in the Chitodent® finger toothbrush kills microbes.
toothbrush kills microbes.
Wetting the microfibre finger toothbrush activates the silver ions on the surface of the high-tech functional yarn. The silver works at close range. The effect is on the fibre surface.
If the moistened Chitodent® finger toothbrush comes into contact with microbes/bacteria, the silver ions send low positive electrical charges which damage the microbes/bacteria and kill them off.
Exactly the right number of silver ions needed to stop the microbes/bacteria growing and proliferating are added to the Chitodent® finger toothbrush.
The antibacterial active ingredient is firmly inserted in the fibre polymer, permanently antimicrobial, unaffected by frequent washing or use and does not migrate.
The silver ions in the Trevira® bioactive fibre keep working for the entire life cycle of the microfibre finger toothbrush

The high-tech microfibre functional yarn of the Chitodent® finger toothbrush protects teeth by greatly reducing plaque.

The microfibre toothbrush is made of high-tech functional yarn which has an incredible fibre density.
Because the microfibres have such a large surface area, the contact surface between the finger toothbrush and teeth, gums and oral mucous membranes is very large, so cleaning performance and plaque removal are excellent.
The microfibre finger toothbrush has about 12,000 times more textile loops as a toothbrush has bristles.
Due to the large surface area of the loop-shaped microfilaments, the direct contact and lasso effect of the individual loops achieve a far greater cleaning efficiency than conventional bristle toothbrushes.
The fibres of the Chitodent® finger toothbrush remove all build-up, without harming the teeth or soft tissue. Plaque, odour-forming bacteria and germs are transferred to the fibres, away from the teeth and gums.

How to use the Chitodent® finger toothbrush


When bacteria/microbes encounter silver they die off. (Image: Trevira®)

Wetting the microfibre finger toothbrush activates the silver ions on the surface of the high-tech functional yarn. The silver works at close range. The effect is on the fibre surface.
If the moistened Chitodent® finger toothbrush comes into contact with microbes/bacteria, the silver ions send low positive electrical charges which damage the microbes/bacteria and kill them off.
Exactly the right number of silver ions needed to stop the microbes/bacteria growing and proliferating are added to the Chitodent® finger toothbrush.
The antibacterial active ingredient is firmly inserted in the fibre polymer, permanently antimicrobial, unaffected by frequent washing or use and does not migrate.
The silver ions in the Trevira® bioactive fibre keep working for the entire life cycle of the microfibre finger toothbrush.

The high-tech microfibre functional yarn of the Chitodent® finger toothbrush protects teeth by greatly reducing plaque.

The microfibre toothbrush is made of high-tech functional yarn which has an incredible fibre density.
Because the microfibres have such a large surface area, the contact surface between the finger toothbrush and teeth, gums and oral mucous membranes is very large, so cleaning performance and plaque removal are excellent.
The microfibre finger toothbrush has about 12,000 times more textile loops as a toothbrush has bristles.
Due to the large surface area of the loop-shaped microfilaments, the direct contact and lasso effect of the individual loops achieve a far greater cleaning efficiency than conventional bristle toothbrushes.
The fibres of the Chitodent® finger toothbrush remove all build-up, without harming the teeth or soft tissue. Plaque, odour-forming bacteria and germs are transferred to the fibres, away from the teeth and gums.

Wetting the microfibre finger toothbrush activates the silver ions on the surface of the high-tech functional yarn. The silver works at close range. The effect is on the fibre surface.
If the moistened Chitodent® finger toothbrush comes into contact with microbes/bacteria, the silver ions send low positive electrical charges which damage the microbes/bacteria and kill them off.
Exactly the right number of silver ions needed to stop the microbes/bacteria growing and proliferating are added to the Chitodent® finger toothbrush.
The antibacterial active ingredient is firmly inserted in the fibre polymer, permanently antimicrobial, unaffected by frequent washing or use and does not migrate.
The silver ions in the Trevira® bioactive fibre keep working for the entire life cycle of the microfibre finger toothbrush.

The high-tech microfibre functional yarn of the Chitodent® finger toothbrush protects teeth by greatly reducing plaque.

The microfibre toothbrush is made of high-tech functional yarn which has an incredible fibre density.
Because the microfibres have such a large surface area, the contact surface between the finger toothbrush and teeth, gums and oral mucous membranes is very large, so cleaning performance and plaque removal are excellent.
The microfibre finger toothbrush has about 12,000 times more textile loops as a toothbrush has bristles.
Due to the large surface area of the loop-shaped microfilaments, the direct contact and lasso effect of the individual loops achieve a far greater cleaning efficiency than conventional bristle toothbrushes.
The fibres of the Chitodent® finger toothbrush remove all build-up, without harming the teeth or soft tissue. Plaque, odour-forming bacteria and germs are transferred to the fibres, away from the teeth and gums.

How to use the Chitodent® finger toothbrush

Chitodent® Mikrofaserfingerzahnbürste aus Hightechfaser

Clean, sparkling, plaque-free teeth with the microfibre toothbrush. The Chitodent® finger toothbrush is deadly to microbes and bacteria. Using Trevira® bioactive fibre, antimicrobial silver ions can now be added and permanently attached to the fibre. The inorganic silver is anchored in the fibre polymer. (including the polymer matrix) and counteracts the colonization/growth of microorganisms and odours in/on the finger toothbrush.

The dry finger toothbrush is put on the finger. The Chitodent® finger toothbrush has a flexible fit and is, therefore, suitable for any finger size.

Moisten the finger toothbrush under running water. Clean the teeth, gums and soft tissues of the mouth, with the finger toothbrush using circular movements. Remove build-up from the finger toothbrush by rinsing repeatedly under running water.
Allow the finger toothbrush to dry after each use before brushing your teeth again.
Do not wash the finger toothbrush with detergent or fabric softener. It can be washed at a maximum temperature of 60 degrees.

Pursuant to Art. 58 § 6 of the EU Regulation No. 528/2012:
The Chitodent® finger toothbrush contains a biocidal product.
The Trevira® bioactive fibre contains silver sodium hydrogen zirconium phosphate CAS-8 in the fibre polymer, which counteracts the colonization and multiplication of micro-organisms and odours in the treated product. Extensive studies and certifications have confirmed that the antimicrobial silver in the Trevira® bioactive fibre product remains effective as it is firmly attached to the fibre polymer. It has also been confirmed safe for consumers and the environment.



Guaifenesin. Is there a salicylate-free toothpaste with taste?

A salicylate-free toothpaste with taste: the best solution for fibromyalgia patients on guaifenesin treatment and people who are suffering from Samter’s triad.

Salicylate-free toothpaste with taste is a blessing for people with fibromyalgia who are undergoing guaifenesin treatment and people who are suffering from Samter’s triad.
People who are suffering from Samter’s triad and patiens on guaifenesin, as proposed by Dr St Amand, to fight fibromyalgia have to give up almost all refreshing mouth care products during their treatment. There are hardly any toothpastes which are free of menthol, oils or aromas of field mint or peppermint.
The refreshing ingredients of most toothpastes are extracted from essential oils of plants, leaves and flowers. Almost always, they contain many salicylates.

Chitodent® a toothpaste free of menthol.

A salicylate-free toothpaste with taste the best solution for fibromyalgia patients on guaifenesin treatment

Chitodent® is a salicylate-free toothpaste with taste. Chitosan toothpaste free of menthol (contains no L-menthol) and essential oils.

Chitodent® the salicylate-free toothpaste with taste

Chitodent®, the salicylate-free toothpaste with taste, is free of menthol (L-menthol). It contains no essential oils and no herbal ingredients

Chitodent®, the salicylate-free toothpaste with taste, is sought by those people who want a chitosan toothpaste, homoeopathy patients, fibromyalgia patients undergoing guaifenesin treatment, and people who are suffering from Samter’s triad. The chitosan toothpaste contains no L-menthol and no essential oils in the aroma.

Toothpaste free of menthol and free of essential oils does not mean giving up on taste.
Because of its specially produced, restored flavour based on L-Carvone, Chitodent® toothpaste tastes fresh.
Especially during guaifenesin treatment as proposed by Dr Amand, fibromyalgia sufferers find Chitodent®, a salicylate-free toothpaste with taste, exhilarating.

The salicylate-free toothpaste with taste contains no herbal ingredients. The efficacy of Chitodent® toothpaste is based on the active ingredient chitosan.

Chitosan, a derivative of chitin, is very similar to cellulose in structure. Both are polysaccharides, composed of innumerable nitrogen chain sugar components, which are freely available in nature.

The polycation chitosan interacts with polyanionic gums and germs.

  • Chitosan has an antibacterial effect on pathogens, plaque, caries and periodontal disease.
  • Chitosan has a stimulating effect on wound healing.
  • Chitosan forms a protective film.

further informations:

Where to buy the salicylate-free Chitodent toothpaste: Chitodent Shop

Which of the flavouring ingredients in toothpaste: field mint, peppermint, menthol, mint oil, essential oils are off limits during guaifenesin treatment by Dr St Amand?

Why the formulation for the restored flavouring in Chitodent® 75 ml is salicylate-free and can be an option for both homoeopathy patients and for people who have chosen guaifenesin treatment

Why non-fluoridated Chitodent® is effective as a salicylate-free, toothpaste free of menthol containing the active ingredient chitosan and no herbal ingredients
Overview of guaifenesin treatment proposed by Dr St Amand relieves fibromyalgia

Toothpaste without mint flavouring for use during guaifenesin treatment by Dr Amand

Fibromyalgia and Samter’s triad patients find it almost impossible to identify salicylate-free menthol-free toothpaste using the INCI (International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients) content declaration.
Fibromyalgia and Samter’s triad sufferers look for help online.
In particular fibromyalgia patients finding out about guaifenesin treatment by Dr Amand need to know what products contain salicylates and what product descriptions indicate hidden salicylates. People suffering from Samter’s triad need the same information.
Caution is advised when using oils, extracts, gels, essences and tinctures. During guaifenesin treatment by Dr Amand, you should only use a salicylate-free  menthol-free toothpaste, which should be a toothpaste without mint flavouring / mint oil.
Quote: “Menthol, like mint oil, would be absorbed through the oral mucous membranes within 15 seconds. Both ingredients are the strongest guaifenesin blockers and equally compromise the guaifenesin treatment by Dr Amand.
Guaifenesin treatment by Dr Amand is based on avoiding salicylate.
During guaifenesin treatment by Dr Amand it makes sense to use a salicylate-free menthol-free toothpaste. This claim is misleading, however: Toothpaste without mint flavouring for guaifenesin treatment by Dr Amand. Not all mint oils contain salicylates.
The frustration that guaifenesin treatment by Dr Amand only allows the use of toothpaste without mint flavouring / mint oil is probably caused by copying the author online and lack of knowledge about chemical and botanical connections.

Almost all mint oils contain many salicylates, but not all mint oils contain salicylates.

Basically toothpaste without mint flavouring is rare.
Mint flavouring and menthol are usually obtained from field mint and peppermint.
In Europe we associate the minty flavour and menthol with freshness.
Minty and menthol type flavourings can be found in almost all toothpastes and mouthwashes, chewing gums, ointments, shower gels, etc. Menthol is derived mainly from field mint.
Field mint, like peppermint (Mentha piperita) contains a salicylate.

the L-menthol

Chitodent® toothpaste is a salicylate-free menthol-free toothpaste without essential oils and without L-Menthol

For people using guaifenesin treatment by Dr Amand to fight fibromyalgia and Samter’s triad, off-limits ingredients include field mint and peppermint with L-menthol, and also products based on wintergreen plants.

Methyl salicylate, the methyl ester of salicylic acid, is isolated from the leaves of wintergreen plants by steam distillation. Products with wintergreen flavouring cannot be used by people suffering from fibromyalgia and Samter’s triad.


Chitodent® salicylate-free, menthol-free toothpaste,no L-menthol, no essential oils

Fibromyalgia and Samter’s triad patients look for salicylate-free menthol-free toothpaste. Because Chitodent® salicylate-free menthol-free toothpaste tastes like mint, slightly sweet and fresh, they aren’t sure about it.
Where does salicylate-free menthol-free Chitodent® get its taste from?
The taste sensation of Chitodent® toothpaste is due to its specially reconstituted flavouring.

Anxious fibromyalgia and Samter’s triad patients looking for a toothpaste without mint flavouring ask: Where does salicylate-free Chitodent® get its taste from?
Fibromyalgia and Samter’s triad sufferers have had to stop using so many taste ingredients, that they describe the taste of Chitodent® as terrific.
Fibromyalgia suffers undergoing lengthy guaifenesin treatment by Dr Amand have often had to give up many familiar taste experiences. It is no wonder that they – like Samter’s triad suffers – long for taste.
The salicylate-free menthol-free toothpaste, Chitodent® does not taste bland when you brush your teeth; it is mint-like, slightly sweet and fresh.

The taste sensation of Chitodent® toothpaste comes from its specially reconstituted, salicylate-free flavouring.


 The fresh taste of Chitodent® is based on L-Carvone.

Chitodent® salicylate-free menthol-free toothpaste is a homoeopathy-compatible formulation contains the active ingredient chitosan and is without fluorine. Although Chitodent® tastes fresh, it does not contain L-Menthol, which contains salicylates. The fresh taste of Chitodent® is based on L-Carvone.

The oil on which the flavouring of Chitodent® is based was analytically ‘taken apart’ and reassembled (reconstituted) but without the ingredients that cause problems for homoeopathy patients.
The reconstituted flavouring of Chitodent® contains no salicylate, no methyl salicylate, no menthol and no essential oils with salicylates.

Information about flavouring products for people with fibromyalgia who have chosen the guaifenesin treatment by Dr Amand: INCI (International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients). Chemistry:
Toothpaste without mint flavouring for guaifenesin treatment by Dr Amand.

Overview of guaifenesin treatment by Dr Amand.

Why Chitodent® is effective as a salicylate-free menthol-free toothpaste without herbal ingredients.

Where to buy the salicylate-free Chitodent toothpaste: Chitodent Shop

Effective salicylate-free toothpaste without herbal ingredients

Salicylatfreie mentholfreie Zahnpasta

Chitodent® salicylate-free toothpaste without herbal ingredients
the aroma does not contain any extracts, essential oils, essences, tinctures, or aromas with salicylate-containing ingredients. Die The Chitodent® menthol-free toothpaste formulation is available in a 75ml tube in German pharmacies under PPN 2239231 and in Austria under PPN 4064273.

A salicylate-free toothpaste without herbal ingredients is provided by Helmuth Focken Biotechnik e.K. – Chitodent®. The active ingredient is chitosan.
Fibromyalgia patients must use a menthol-free toothpaste. You’ll love this homoeopathic formulation during your guaifenesin treatment. The same applies if you are diagnosed with Samter’s triad.

Our chitosan is a natural ingredient of non-herbal origin.
The chitosan is derived from chitin which is found everywhere in the natural world. Chitin is a structural component of the cell walls of fungi, the exoskeletons of crustaceans, crabs, and insects.
Many extensive global research studies have confirmed the effectiveness of chitosan, which does not have an allergenic effect. Chitosan is a real wonder drug for good teeth and healthy gums.

  • Chitosan has an antibacterial effect on pathogens, plaque, caries and periodontal disease.
  • Chitosan has a stimulating effect on wound healing.
  • Chitosan forms a protective film

Immediately after thorough cleaning, a pellicle forms on the tooth surface. This is an invisible acellular film that protects the tooth from erosion and acid attack. This film is composed primarily of proteins in saliva. Because of their own charges, these bind electrostatically to the calcium and phosphate groups of the apatite in hard tooth tissue.
Since the pellicle is also the starting point for bacterial colonization, to avoid erosion it is important, to both minimize damage to this protective layer by using particularly soft cleaners, and to equip it with antibacterial defences. Antibacterial defence is advantageously achieved by chitosan.
Chitosan supports the film binding on the polished enamel. The chitosan is adsorbed into the hard tooth tissue and the pellicle and develops positive effects.
Chitodent® salicylate-free toothpaste is homoeopathy-compatible. The formulation is without fluorine.
Thanks to the active ingredient chitosan the salicylate-free toothpaste acts without herbal ingredients, as the polycation chitosan interacts with polyanionic gums and certain germs.

Creating a salicylate-free toothpaste without herbal ingredients but with taste is a challenge.

Most refreshing ingredients of conventional toothpastes are based on the oils and aromas of field mint or peppermint, or produced from the essential oils of plants, leaves and flowers. They almost always contain salicylates. Fresh taste is a pleasure for homoeopathy patients, especially those who need a salicylate-free toothpaste, because these are so difficult to find.
The menthol-free toothpaste Chitodent® is L-Menthol free. It tastes fresh because of its specially developed, restored flavouring, based on L-Carvone.
Besides the refreshing flavouring, the astringent effective chitosan also influences the taste sensation. The chitosan makes the Chitodent® menthol-free toothpaste with L-Carvone feel even more refreshing. People on guaifenesin treatment have to give up on many flavours because they have to avoid salicylates. Now they can enjoy an effective toothpaste with a problem-free flavouring.

Chitodent® salicylate-free toothpaste originated from a research contract with EUTEC.
The Chitodent® formulation is available in a 75ml tube in German pharmacies under PPN 2239231 and in Austria under PPN 4064273.

Where to buy the salicylate-free Chitodent toothpaste: Chitodent Shop

Overview and background on guaifenesin treatment by Dr Amand.

Which of the flavouring ingredients in the toothpaste: field mint, peppermint, menthol, mint oil, essential oils are off limits during guaifenesin treatment by Dr St Amand?

Why the formulation for the restored flavouring in Chitodent® 75 ml is salicylate-free and harmless for both homoeopathy patients and for people who have chosen guaifenesin treatment, according to the published literature by Dr St Amand.

Why Chitodent® menthol-free toothpaste is a salicylate-free toothpaste with taste.


Overview of fibromyalgia and Dr.St. Amand’s guaifenesin treatment

Fibromyalgie Guaifenesin salicylate-free toothpaste

salicylate-free toothpaste Chitodent

Background on fibromyalgia and guaifenesin treatment by Dr.St.Amand.

Fibromyalgia is an autoimmune disease that was recognized only recently and is difficult to define. Medical experts are divided about the symptoms and the cause. Fibromyalgia is considered medically incurable.
The American doctor Dr.St.Amand, who was himself diagnosed with fibromyalgia and cured himself with guaifenesin, believes fibromyalgia is a metabolic disorder.
He argues that in fibromyalgia, because of a genetic defect, the body can no longer excrete excess phosphate, or only do so at a reduced rate. The excess phosphate appears to be stored with calcium in the body in the joints, then in the tissues (e.g. muscles, tendons or ligaments). These deposits can lead to the discomfort and pain associated with fibromyalgia.

Guaifenesin treatment by Dr.St.Amand: guaifenesin relieves fibromyalgia
Himself a fibromyalgia sufferer, Dr.St.Amand tested himself and recognized that guaifenesin can resolve the metabolic disorder which he believes causes the condition. He developed the guaifenesin treatment.

Guaifenesin treatment for fibromyalgia by Dr.St.Amand.
Guaifenesin is mainly used in cough medicine to dissolve mucus. Dr.St.Amand found that guaifenesin also has a regulating effect on phosphate metabolism and tested guaifenesin himself to resolve this metabolic disorder, which he believes causes the condition.
Guaifenesin acts in the course of fibromyalgia treatment by helping the cells let go of the stored excess minerals by ensuring that the kidneys can excrete the excess phosphate and calcium compounds again.
Guaifenesin should be dosed individually for each person suffering from fibromyalgia.

Salicylate-free, especially salicylate-free tootpaste during guaifenesin treatment
According to Dr.St.Amand salicylates compromise guaifenesin.
If salicylates are absorbed via the skin or mucous membranes, according to Dr.St.Amand they inhibit the effect of guaifenesin by blocking the receptors in the kidneys which guaifenesin should lock into.
During guaifenesin treatment by Dr.St.Amand, all products which come into contact with the skin or mucous membranes in a concentrated amount must be checked and, if they contain salicylates, replaced by salicylate-free products. This applies to cosmetics, toiletries, medical ointments, supplements and especially toothpastes.

Fibromyalgia patients undergoing guaifenesin treatment by Dr.St.Amand and Samter’s triad suffers are looking for a toothpaste that is salicylate free.

This is especially difficult. Using the INCI (international nomenclature of cosmetic ingredients) content declaration, it is almost impossible to recognize which toothpaste is salicylate free.
The frequently asked questions of fibromyalgia sufferers about using a suitable toothpaste during guaifenesin treatment by Dr.St.Amand are answered below.

Which of the flavouring ingredients in the toothpaste: field mint, peppermint, menthol, mint oil and essential oils, are off limits during guaifenesin treatment by Dr.St.Amand?

How can Chitodent® menthol and salicylate-free still taste fresh without essential oils?

Why the formulation for the restored flavouring in Chitodent® 75 ml is salicylate-free and can be an option for both homoeopathy patients and for people who have chosen guaifenesin treatment

Why non-fluoridated Chitodent® is effective as a salicylate-free, menthol-free toothpaste with the active ingredient chitosan and without herbal ingredients

Chitosan as the active ingredient in Chitodent®.

Where to buy the salicylate-free Chitodent toothpaste: Chitodent Shop

Guaifenesin, toothpaste without menthol, toothpaste without salicylate

Guaifenesin, toothpaste without menthol, toothpaste without salicylate

Chitodent® toothpaste without menthol, Chitodent® toothpaste without salicylate.

For consumers, it is hard to tell whether a toothpaste is without salicylate.
Dental care product manufacturers are not required to list salicylic acid or methyl salicylate under aroma in the INCI (international nomenclature of cosmetic ingredients).
For people on homoeopathic treatment, people diagnosed with Samter’s triad or those undergoing guaifenesin treatment for fibromyalgia, it can be very important to know whether a toothpaste contains salicylate. If you have a toothpaste without menthol, this can indicate that the toothpaste does not contain salicylate.

Chitodent® 75 ml is a toothpaste without salicylate and a toothpaste without menthol, which means it does not contain the following ingredients:
Salicylate including methyl salicylate
Essential oils

What alternative aroma can be used in a toothpaste without menthol? Is there any toothpaste without salicylate but with taste?

Chitodent® toothpaste uses one of the few formulations for a reconstituted aroma based on a pure essential oil, containing no salicylates, and mainly composed of carvone.
Essential oils are often not quite pure. Even salicylate free essential oils such as peppermint oil from a few field-harvested plants of the Mentha family (Mentha piperita) can contain small amounts of L-menthol.
Even if it had low L-menthol concentrations, the essential oil would not conform to homoeopathic standards and would not be an option for either fibromyalgia patients on guaifenesin treatment or people with Samter’s triad.
Therefore, in the formulation for Chitodent® toothpaste without salicylate and toothpaste without menthol, the oil, mainly composed of carvone, is ‘taken apart’ and put back together (reconstituted) without the problem ingredients.
Chitodent® toothpaste is a dental care, homoeopathy-compatible natural cosmetic which originated from an EUTEC research project and has been declared a toothpaste without salicylate and a toothpaste without menthol.


Chemistry: Toothpaste without menthol,
Chemistry: Toothpaste without salicylate
Chemistry: Guaifenesin

Helmuth Focken Biotechnik e.K., Hochschule-Emden-Leer, Eutec-Institut,Greentech Ostfriesland Dr.Wolfgang Lindenthal

contact person: Dr. Wolfgang Lindenthal


Carvone is a monocyclic monoterpene ketone.

There are two enantiomers
the (S)-(+)-Carvone [also called D-(+)-Carvone or (+)-Carvone for short]
the (R)-(−)-Carvone [also called L-(−)-Carvone or (−)-Carvone for short].




Menthol is a monocyclic
monoterpene alcohol

Menthol exists in two mirror-image forms:
(−)-Menthol (Levomenthol)
and (+)-Menthol.



Chitodent Zahnpasta ohne L Menthol -(-)-Menthol


In addition to menthol, three more diastereomeric pairs exist (also called menthol isomers), which have three asymmetric C atom bonds: neomenthol, isomenthol and neoisomenthol.


The natural left-handed -(-)-Menthol is present in many essential oils, especially in mint oils and is, according to Dr St Amand, to be strictly avoided while on guaifenesin treatment, as it is the strongest guaifenesin blocker.
Toothpaste without menthol is rare.
Menthol is associated with freshness and it is therefore, used in almost all toothpastes and mouthwashes, and in chewing gums, ointments and shower gels.
Menthol is mainly obtained from field mint.
Field mint (Mentha arvensis), like peppermint (Mentha piperita) contains L-menthol.

Chitodent® toothpaste without menthol has no L-menthol in its reconstituted aroma

Chitodent® toothpaste without menthol
has no L-menthol in its reconstituted aroma

Chitodent® toothpaste without menthol

Chitodent® toothpaste without menthol, without L-menthol and without essential oils


Salicylic acid is an o-hydroxybenzoic acid and its methyl ester occurs naturally in essential oils of the leaves and flowers of many plants

Salicylic acid is also used to make dyes, perfumes and the acetylsalicylic acid.
source: Salicylic-acid-skeletal von Image: Aspirin-skeletal.svg originally by Benjah-bmm27Booyabazooka, edited by Fvasconcellos – Image:Aspirin-skeletal.svg. Lizenziert unter Gemeinfrei über Wikimedia Commons.


Aus: Wikipedia:
Acetylsalicylsäure (ASS, ASS, known under the brand name Aspirin),

Toothpaste without salicylate.
Toothpaste without menthol is already hard to buy, and it is even harder to find toothpaste without salicylate
Salicylic acid is an o-hydroxybenzoic acid and its methyl ester occurs naturally in essential oils of the plants, leaves and flowers of many plants. During guaifenesin treatment for fibromyalgia both natural and synthetic salicylates must be strictly avoided. According to Dr Paul St Amand, salicylates block the action of guaifenesin, because they block a receptor in the kidneys which the guaifenesin should lock into.
Salicylates must also be avoided if you are diagnosed with Samter’s triad.

Chitodent® is a toothpaste without salicylate.

Chitodent® is a toothpaste without salicylate. The reconstituted aroma of Chitodent® also does not contain any salicylate / methyl salicylate.




Guaifenesin. zählt zur chemischen Gruppe der Guajakolderivate
Quelle Wikipedia

Chitodent® toothpaste without menthol, toothpaste without salicylate. Carvone in the aroma
Salicylate and guaifenesin


  • There is a certain similarity:
    Salicylic acid and guaifenesin both have an aromatic ring.
    Salicylic acid has an OH group (an alcohol, phenol here) with an acid group (COOH) in the α-position.
  • Guaifenesin has two modified OH groups (ethers) in the α-position to each other on the aromatic ring. Therefore competing reactions are likely to occur between significantly smaller salicylic acid derivatives and guaifenesin at the respective receptors.
  • Like guaifenesin and salicylate, the two carvones have a six-membered ring, but this does not have double bonds and is not aromatic. Menthol, like salicylic acid and guaifenesin, also has another functional group in the α-position.
  • In carvone, the ketone group and the isoprene unit are in the β-position to each other.

Where to buy the salicylate-free Chitodent toothpaste: Chitodent Shop

Which of the flavouring ingredients in the toothpaste: field mint, peppermint, menthol, mint oil and essential oils, are off limits during guaifenesin treatment by Dr.St.Amand?

How can Chitodent® menthol and salicylate-free still taste fresh without essential oils?

Why non-fluoridated Chitodent® is effective as a salicylate-free, menthol-free toothpaste with the active ingredient chitosan and without herbal ingredients

Chitosan as the active ingredient in Chitodent®.

Chitodent® salicylate-free toothpaste with the active ingredient chitosan.

Chitodent® toothpaste with the active ingredient chitosan is a salicylate-free toothpaste. This is guaranteed for all components of the formulation including the aroma.

What is a salicylate-free toothpaste and when is a toothpaste free of salicylate?
Salicylate-free toothpaste is a cosmetic product which does not contain any extracts, essential oils, essences, tinctures, or aromas with salicylate-containing ingredients.
Salicylate are salts of salicylic acid. These are found in the leaves and flowers of many plants. Salicylic acid is used in cosmetics, in extracts, gels, essences and balsams.
The usual minty taste in toothpastes is generally based on menthol, which is almost always obtained from field mint or peppermint (Mentha piperita) and contains salicylates.

salicylatfreie Zahnpasta,mentholfreie Zahnpasta

When is it advisable to use a salicylate-free toothpaste / menthol-free toothpaste?
Chitodent® salicylate-free toothpaste / menthol-free toothpaste is sought after by homoeopathy patients who cannot tolerate salicylates; for example those diagnosed with Samter’s syndrome or who have chosen Dr. St. Amand’s guaifenesin-based treatment to fight fibromyalgia, an increasingly common autoimmune disease.
Avoiding salicylates is essential to Dr St Amand’s guaifenesin treatment. Guaifenesin relieves fibromyalgia according to Dr St Amand, but it competes at the receptors with salicylates. Salicylates cancel out the guaifenesin.
During guaifenesin treatment by Dr. Amand, all products which come into contact with the skin or mucous membranes in a concentrated amount must be checked and replaced if necessary. Anyone undergoing guaifenesin treatment by Dr. Amand is looking for cosmetic products which do not contain salicylates or salicylic acid.

Fibromyalgia and Samter’s triad patients also long for taste.

People who can not tolerate salicylates because they are on guaifenesin treatment long for a fresh taste in the mouth.
They are not allowed to use products containing menthol, since these are almost always obtained from field mint and peppermint (Mentha piperita) and contain salicylates/L-Menthol. Other refreshing extracts of herbal oils usually contain a lot of salicylate.


Chitodent® toothpaste salicylate-free toothpaste / menthol-free toothpaste, ohne Minzaroma Fibromyalgie

Anxious fibromyalgia and Samter’s triad patients ask: Where does the taste of menthol-free Chitodent® come from? Chitodent® menthol-free toothpaste tastes mint-like, slightly sweet and is refreshing. The taste is based on its specially reconstituted, salicylate-free, menthol-free flavouring. Chitodent salicylate-free toothpaste / menthol-free toothpaste does not contain any L-Menthol in the flavouring.

Is salicylate-free toothpaste effective without herbal ingredients?

Helmuth Focken Biotechnology e.K. provides the homoeopathy-compatible Chitodent® formulation for a salicylate-free toothpaste / menthol-free toothpaste: a cosmetic with the natural ingredient chitosan. The chitosan is not of plant origin.
The chitosan is derived from chitin which is found everywhere in the natural world. Chitin is a structural component of the cell walls of fungi, the exoskeletons of crustaceans, crabs, and insects.
Chitosan, a derivative of chitin, is structurally very similar to cellulose. Both consist of polysaccharides, innumerable nitrogen chain sugar components, and are freely available in nature.

Many extensive global research studies have confirmed the effectiveness of chitosan, which does not have allergenic effects. Chitosan is a real wonder drug for good teeth and healthy gums.

  • Chitosan has an antibacterial effect on pathogens, plaque, caries and periodontal disease.
  • Chitosan has a stimulating effect on wound healing.
  • Chitosan forms a protective film

Chitodent®, the salicylate-free toothpaste / menthol-free toothpaste is homoeopathy-compatible and without fluoride. The toothpaste is free of salicylate, contains no herbal ingredients, and is highly effective thanks to the active ingredient chitosan.

Where to buy the salicylate-free Chitodent toothpaste: Chitodent Shop


Haare zurück, gute Zähne.Wie gut Thiocyanat,Chitosan,Ozon wirken

Helmuth Focken Biotechnik e.K steht für hocheffiziente nebenwirkungsfreie Dentalpflege. Das basiert auf Substanzen, Molekülen, die in der belebten Natur vorkommen.

Thiocyanat steht für Haare zurück, wie für gute Zähne.

Thiocyanat für einen gesunden Mund
Im Mund des Menschen steht das Thiocyanat mit anderen körpereigenen, biologischen Substanzen für die effiziente natürliche Abwehr. Es sorgt für die Entgiftung gefährlicher Stoffe, besserer Resistenz gegen Krankheitserreger, schützt vor Entzündungen im Mund.
Schreibt Thiocyanat Geschichte bei Haare zurück?
Eine Erfolgsgeschichte des Thiocyanats, basierend auf den Forschungen von Prof. Dr. Weuffen bahnt sich für viele an, die Problemen mit Haarausfall haben. Aufschlussreich und vielverprechend bei Glatze und Haarverlusten ist der Film zum Thema Thiocyant bei Haarausfall  bei Haare zurück
Thiocyanat (veraltet Rhodanide) ist wichtig für unser Immunsystem
In allen Pflanzen und Tieren ist gebundene Blausäure enthalten.
Freie Blausäure ist ein Gift, in gebundener Form ist sie geradezu lebensnotwendig.
Die biologische und medizinische Bedeutung von Thiocyanat wurde unter Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Weuffen an der Universität Greifswald maßgeblich erforscht.
Thiocyanat ist eine für die natürliche Abwehr bei Mensch und Tier unabdingbare physiologisch, aktive Substanz.
Ein SCN (Schwefel- Kohlenstoff –Stickstoffmolekül), das in der Natur überall anzutreffen ist und zu den ältesten Molekülen der Erde zählt. Es wird auch vom Menschen im Stoffwechsel gebildet und von diesem zusätzlich durch gesunde Nahrung aufgenommen.
Keine natürliche Abwehr bei Mensch und Tier ohne Thiocyanat (Rhodanide). Es tritt mit Sauerstoff und anderen körpereigenen, biologischen Substanzen in Verbindung und sorgt für Resistenz gegen Krankheitserreger. Es setzt die Entzündungsgefahr herab, ist wegen seiner antioxidativen Eigenschaft ein Radikalenfänger und stimuliert die Bildung von Antikörpern. Es stärkt die Immunabwehr und beschleunigt damit die Zellregeneration, ein wichtiger Aspekt bei Heilungsprozessen.

Chitin, das mit der Zellulose verwandt ist, dient in der belebten Natur dem Schutz von Leben.

Das Derivat von Chitin Chitosan in der Dentalpflege
Chitodent® verwendet Chitosan in der Dentalpflege homöopathieverträglich, ohne Fluor.
Hydroxyapatit ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Zahnoberfläche. In Studien wurde nachgewiesen, dass ein Chitosan-Coating des Hydroxyapatits die Bindung der Streptokokken um bis zu 60 % herabsetzt.
Die Bakterien binden durch hydrophobe Wechselwirkungen, ionische Bindungen und Wechselwirkungen zwischen Zahnoberfläche und Bakterienzellwand an die Zähne. Durch das Chitosan werden die Bindungsstellen an der Zahnoberfläche, an denen Bakterien durch Rezeptoren binden können, maskiert.
Zudem kann durch Einwirkung des polykationischen Chitosans auf die Bakterienzellwand diese so modifiziert werden, dass die Bakterien nicht mehr in der Lage sind, an Hydroxyapatit zu binden.
Wie das Thiocyanat findet auch Chitosan breite  Anwendung zum Beispiel in Dermatologie. Als Chitoskin wird es  es bei nicht heilenden Wunden als Wundauflage verwendet.

Chitin ist ein Hauptbestandteil der Hüllsubstanz der Gliederfüßer (Arthropoda), das heißt der Spinnenartigen (Chelicerata), Insekten (Insectacea) und Krebstiere (Crustacea). Weiters kommt es in Pilzen und bei einigen Arten der Wirbellosen vor.

Ozon O3 ist eine Sonderform des Sauerstoffs zerfällt sehr schnell in atomaren Sauerstoff.

Wie Ozon in der Dentalpflege wirkt
Die selektiv bakterientötende Wirkung des atomaren Sauerstoffs O (in status nascendi) greift zerstörerisch die Zellmembranen aller zellkernlosen (prokaryontonen) Zellen, wie es Bakterien sind, in Sekundenschnelle an.
Bei den Bakterien werden in der Zellmembran Kohlenstoffdoppelbindungen aufgebrochen. Ozon reagiert mit den Proteinen der Membranzellwände, die eine negative Ladung haben und zerstört dabei Karies und Bakterien.
Der eigentliche Angriff erfolgt in Millisekundenschnelle wegen der elektrisch negativen Ladung der Zellmembranen der Bakterien. Die Zellmembranen enthalten kein Cholesterin, das die Membran schützen würde.
Die körpereigenen Zellen des Menschen haben einen Zellkern (eukaryonten Zellen) und enthalten in den Zellmembranen Cholesterin, dadurch bleiben diese Zellen für Ozon unangreifbar.
Helmuth Focken Biotechnik e.K. bietet mit neuartiger Medizintechnik ,einen wirksamen Einsatz von Ozon in der Dentalpflege. Die bakteriziden, viruziden und fungiziden Eigenschaften von Ozon können erstmals besonders wirkungsvoll in der Prophylaxe (Kariesvermeidung) und für ein breites Indikationsspektrum bei Wurzelkanalsterilisation, Parodontitis, Aphten, Herpes, Mundgeruch, Zahnstein einsetzt werden.
Bei größeren Kindern, die an der immer häufiger auftretende Erkrankung MIH Molaren-Inzisiven-Hypomineralisation erkranken, kann die Behandlung mit Ozon Vorteile bringen.
Weiches Dentin wird härter, kariösen Läsionen können sich bessern, Fluoridierungsmaßnahmen müssen bei den Kindern nicht angestrengt werden. Als schmerzfreie Kariesbehandlung führt zu einem Angstabbau, so dass alle Kinder stress- und angstfrei zur nächsten Behandlung kommen. Die  Kinder werden mit der Ozonbehandlung von einer risikobehafteten Prämedikation oder gar einer Vollnarkose wie bei MIH Molaren-Inzisiven-Hypomineralisation oft für nötig erachtet bewahrt.

Präoperativ ermöglicht diese innovative Ozontherapie bei Helmuth Focken Biotechnik e.K , die den ganzen Kiefer in einem Schritt behandelt, eine nachhaltige Keimausschaltung auch an schwer erreichbaren Stellen (Wurzelkanäle,Zahnstümpfen).

Mikroorganismen zur Regenerierung des Bodens Ecosana

Natürliche Regenerierung des Bodens
Im biologischen, wie konventionellen Landbau wird nach Möglichkeiten und Lösungen gesucht, die eine weitgehend natürliche Ernährung und natürliche Regenerierung des Bodens gewährleisten.
Reduziert werden müssen die Nährstoffeinträge in die Gewässer. Die Landbewirtschaftung muss immer effizienter werden.

Bakterien, Mikroben stellen Nährstoffe aus den im Boden vorhandenen Ressourcen bereit, organisieren eine gesunde Verrottung durch die  der Boden sich regeneriert. Sie dämmen pathogene Entwicklungen im Boden ein, wodurch dieser sich regeneriert.

Pflanzenernährung und Regenerierung des Bodens stehen in untrennbarem Zusammenhang

Die Zusammenhänge der Diversität von Pflanzen und Pilzen und der Bildung von Böden zeigt sich in den mykorrhizalen Symbiosen.

  • zur Gattungen der Glomeromycota. (Glomeromycetes) zählen die arbuskulären Mykorrhizapilze.
    Die AM-Pilze sind die ältesten Pilze. Ca. 80 % aller Landpflanzen stehen mit ihnen in symbiotische Beziehung. Gräser, die meisten krautartigen Pflanzen und viele verholzende Pflanze sind von AM Pilzen abhängig.
  • Ektomykorrhiza ist die verbreitetste Mykorrhiza der meisten Waldbäume in unseren gemäßigten Klimazonen. Hier dringen die Hyphen des Pilzes in die Wurzel ein. Die Ektomykorrhiza nutzen organische Bodensubstanz. In den Boden bringen die Pflanzen  erhöhte Streumengen mit komplexen Inhalten wieHolz, Blätter, Rinde ein.
  • Die Ericoide Mykorrhiza ist eine  Anpassung an extreme Lebensräume.

Der Edaphon Naturdünger Raoul H. Francé und Annie Frandé Harrar
Bereits in den 1940 Jahren wurde von Ihnen der Impfstoff zum Edaphon Naturdünger festgelegt.
Ihre Methode der Bodenbelebung, Erhaltung der Fruchtbarkeit und Pflanzenernährung ist die Ausbringung von Humus.
Der Humus von Raoul H.Francé und Annie Frandé Harrar weist eine ideale Bodenstruktur auf, enthält ein vollständiges Bodenleben und alle sofort pflanzenverfügbaren Nährstoffe.
Zur gesicherten Überführung der organischen und mineralischen Materialien aus der Kompostierungsphase in echten Humus verwandten Raoul H. Francé und Annie Frandé Harrar Mikroorganismen.
Die Mikroorganismen sollen den Abbau, Umbau, Aufbauder organischen Materialien zu Humus beschleunigen und Mineralien in den organischen Kreislauf einbeziehen.
Die von Raoul H. Francé und Annie Frandé Harrar verwendeten Mikroorganismen:

      • Saprofil  Abbauer (Beschleuniger) das sind Mikroorganismen, die den Zelluloseabbau beschleunigen. Zelluloseaufschließer.
      • Petrofil  Aufbauer (aus Mineralien) enthält die Lithobionten zur Einbeziehung der Mineralien in den natürlichen Kreislauf. Die Lithobionten sind jene Gruppen von Mikroorganismen, mit denen die Humusbildung beginnt, da sie mit den Mineralien durch ihre Lebenszyklen organische Substanz aufbauen.
      • Edafil /Edaphon Aufbauer (aus Mineralien) enthält alle dem Edaphon zugehörigen Mikroorganismen in enzystrierter Form. Diese Aufbauorganismen sind in einer natürlichen Biozönose in einem guten Boden. Sie stehen in einem bestimmten quantitativen Verhältnis zueinander.
      • Saprodon (Abbauer von im Wasser vorhandenenem orgischen Material). Das Saprodon enthält eine besonders aktive Biozönose von Mikroorganismen, wie sie im natürlichen Prozess bei der Selbstreinigung von fauligen, verschmutzten Gewässern auftritt. Die biologische Klärung erfolgt durch  Einsaat einer aktive Biozönose von Mikroorganismen, die Eiweisformen, Zucker, Pektine, aromatische Stoffe, Fette aufschließen und humifizieren. Nach Raoul H. Francé und Annie Frandé Harrar gehört die Verlandungszone von Süsswasserseen und Flüssen zu dem verlängerten Edaphon des Bodens.
      • Edaphon und Petrofil. Das Edaphon enthält alle ihm zugehörenden Mikroorganismengruppen in enzystrierter Form.
        Das Edaphon ist für Böden bestimmt, die genügend organische Substanz besitzen, aber in ihrer Mikroflora gestört oder verarmt sind.
        Das Petrofil enthält die Lithobionten. Die Lithobionten vermehren in degenerierten Böden mit zerstörter Struktur deren organische Substanz mit Hilfe von Mikroorganismen. Die Mikroorganismen sind in der Lage das vorhandene mineralische Übermaß in organische Substanz umzusetzen. Das Petrofil ist eine besondere Form des Edaphon.

Das ideale Verhältnis des Edaphon nach Raoul H. Francé und Annie Frandé Harrar
Von Land zu Land kann sich mineralische wie organische Substanz für den Edaphon Naturdünger ändern. Nach Raoul H. Francé und Annie Frandé Harrar darf sich unter keinen Umständen der Prozentsatz der humosen Bestandteile verringern.
Der Prozentsatz von Mineral- und Humusbestandteilen darf im schlechtesten Fall das Verhältnis von 1:1 nicht überschreiten.
Das ideale Verhältnis des Edaphon ist:

      • Mineralische Substanz 15%
      • Humose Substanz 65 %
      • Organismenmasse 20

Die Mikroorganismen der Firma Ecosana und Eokomit von Dr. Holzinger waren nch dem Tod er Herren Dr.Holzinger und Herr Jung  nicht mehr am Markt.

Eokomit von Dr Holzinger im online-shop von Helmuth Focken Biotechnik e.K
Eokomit( Dr.Holzinger) wie Ecosana Dr.Holzinger bieten interessante Alternativen zur konventionellen Düngung und eröffnen Wege wie die Regenerierung des Bodens durch Zugabe von Mikroorganismen erreicht werden kann. Angeregt wird die  Eigenregulierung des Bodens.

Ecosana war für die Phase des Abbaus/ Verrottung ausgelegt. Inhaltsstoffe von Ecosana waren:
Bacillus subtilis: Thermobakterium  Abbauer
Bacillus mesentericus: Eiweißzersetzer
Geobacillus stearothermophilus: Thermobakterium,das Kohlenwasserstoff-Derivate wie Phenole, Harze, Wachse, Terpentin abbaut.
Azotobakter crooccoccum: N Stickstoffsammler
Lactobacillus: Milchsäurebakterium


Helmuth Focken Biotechnik e.K verfolgt gemeinsam mit den wissenschaftlichen und strategischen Partnern Projekte, die für die klimaneutrale Landwirtschaft geeignet sind. Zwischenfruchtanbau im ökologischen Landbau
Alternative Düngung mit Bakterien und Mikroorganismen zur Regenerierung des Bodens
Alternative Regenerierung des Bodens mit terra preta